Below is a collection of resources that are in-keeping with how I work

Books, Audiobooks and websites
Terence Real
I don't want to talk about it
Fierce Intimacy - audio only
Gabor Maté
The Myth of Normal
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts
When the body says no
Scattered Minds - Gabor Maté
Hold onto your Kids
Esther Perel
Mating in Captivity
The State of Affairs
Anchored - Deb Dana
Your Body Keeps the Score - Bessel Van der
The Science of Sex - Kate Moyle
What We Want - Charlotte Fox-Weber
Lost Connections - Johan Hari
The Gifts of Imperfection - Brenè Brown
How to be loving - Danielle La Porte
Greater than the Sum of our Parts - Richard C. Swartz​
How to do the work - Dr Nicole LePera
The Gift - Edith Eger
The Dance of Anger - Harriet Lerner
The Power of Discord - Ed Tronick & Claudia M. Gold
Silently Seduced - Kenneth Adams
Baby Bomb - Kara Hoppe
The Drama of being a Child - Alice Miller
Facing Codependance - Pia Mellody
It Didn't Start With You = Mark Wolynn​
Come As You Are - Emily Nagoski
What's your grief book and site https://whatsyourgrief.com/

Documentary,Television and Talks
The Wisdom of Trauma - Doc
Attention Please - Doc
The Work - Doc
Couples Therapy - Television Series
TED Talk - Brené Brown - The Power of Vulnerabilty
TED Talk - Esther Perel - Mating in Captivity
TED Talk - Gabor Maté - The Power of Addiction
Stutz - Doc

Where should we begin - Esther Perel
The Grieg Gang - Amber Jeffrey
The Sexual Wellness Sessions - Kate Moyle
Unlocking us - Brené Brown
The Relationship Transformers - Paul and Stacey Martino
Grief Works - Julia Samuel
The Motherkind Podcast - Zoe Blasky
Russell Brand - Under the Skin
Danielle La Porte - With love